
Cake smashes truly are some of the most fun! When you book, we chat about what kind of theme you're going for. I prefer to keep my cake smash sets fairly simple, keeping focus on your sweet babe! I do have a handful of rompers and outfits for the little girls, with a growing selection for little boys! Just ask and we will find the perfect outfit! I supply everything for the session besides the cake. I do have a network of great bakers that make beautiful and perfectly sized cakes if you are interested, just let me know!

I always start a cake smash session with a few shots of your baby in a separate outfit from their smash outfit and I always follow the smash with a washtub clean up! A quick clean up bath in a cute little tub, and a few photos of them splashing around!

I like to warn parents, not every baby likes the cake. Some scream. Some cry. But, I have yet to have a baby hate the bath! (Not that I can remember anyways)